20 June 2007

London SNB!

I am SO going to a London SNB Meeting!

A few days ago I sent an email to Stitch and Bitch London and they replied to let me know about a get-together on August 2nd at 6pm at Waterstones Book Store in Piccadilly Circus. So cool!

One of my self-made challenges for my European excursion is to knit in public in every city I go to. This will definitely help!

Here is my challenge list thusfar:
- one punk show a week
- drive a right-hand drive car
- knit in public in all locations I visit (Salzburg, Dublin, London, Stonehenge, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Munich, Venice)
- participate in a London stitch-n-bitch
- visit at least one tea shop in each place
- see at least one live concert (non-punk related)
- take a picture of every Mini I see (more for Steph & Q than for me)

Subsequently, if you'd like a postcard leave me a note and email me your address!

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