29 January 2006

Yorick Scarf and Project Updates

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Hooray! Pictures of my Yorick scarf! I ended up using a 100% acryllic instead of wool (the vegan in me is happy about that), so I didn't felt it like the pattern wanted. But oh man, it is so soft and fun to wear. It's also pretty damn punk rock if I might say so. My housemate Lisa said I was the ultimate Alkaline Trio fan due to making this scarf. Naturally I was honored to have such a grand title bestowed upon myself.

Up next: Windy City Keyhole Scarf, and the Official Kittyville Hat! More pics will come when those are finished. Here are some pictures of what I have done so far:

Windy City Keyhole Scarf:
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Official Kittyville Hat:
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