08 September 2007

Alpacas are awesome

I went over to Yarn Haven today and saw some alpacas from Circle E Ranch. OMG they were cute. And the brown one kept watching me as I walked around. Creepy, but in a cute way. He was way into posing for my pictures.

So naturally while I was there I bought yarn. What kind, you ask? Sock yarn. All sock yarn. Damn you, socks.

Wisdom Yarns 'Los Angeles' color 241, Wisdom Yarns 'Chicago' color 235, Wisdom Yarns 'Boston' color 213, Brown Sheep Company 'Wildfoote' in Gunsmoke. Mostly for Xmas knitting. I'm in the middle of figuring all of that out. It's never too early for that. That and a pair of socks for the Football-a-long. I think I'll use 'Chicago' to make something while I watch DA BEARS own all this season.

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