14 May 2007

Ah crap

I was tagged, so I guess I'm doing a meme.

1. List 7 random facts about yourself on your blog.
2. Tag 7 more blogs, making sure to let them know.

1. I obsessively shower. Usually two times a day, if not three.

2. In the words of Ghandi: Be the change you wish to see in the world. And that's why I'm vegan, straightedge, and politically aware.

3. Alkaline Trio has been my favorite band for eight years now.

4. Besides being a singer, I can play guitar, bass/bass guitar, and euphonium. Helpful instruments like the piano, though? Nope.

5. I've discovered a new way to annoy my cat: laser pointers.

6. I'm more-or-less Buddhist, although I have yet to go to a Buddhist temple for worship or meditation. I think I'm still too "white" to do that. This is also interesting due to my employment by random Christian churches. $$$

7. From time to time I'll joke about things to get a laugh out of Keith, but for the most part I am ridiculously PC. Which is part of the reason why my family drives me insane.

Hmm, who should do this ... AuraLee, and six other random people that stumble across this blog. hah.

1 comment:

auralee! said...
