02 June 2007

Cupcake Parade!

Be prepared! oooOO!

Aw, they looked so sad without being baked.
And now they are real cupcakes!

And then I decided to put walnuts on top.

Woooo! Vegan cupcakes! They taste pretty okay too. The frosting isn't really the best, though I think I need to get new vegetable shortening. Also, I (think I) left them in the oven too long (due to my music being so loud that it drowned out the timer, oops). But I'm not sure. Either way they will get eaten. By me. Because no one else is around. Darn! ;]

Now that I've baked some cupcakes I feel inspired to knit a few! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

And now, just for cuteness:

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